Become A Full Stack Web Developer

Front-End & Back-End

180 Days Offline Learning & Training (One to One Interaction) 

Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer:

  • 180 Days Offline Class
  • Complete Training On Local Host/ Live Server
  • 400Hrs Duration
  • Front-End Web Development

  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • Flexbox

  • Grid

  • Bootstrap 5

  • Javascript ES6

  • DOM Manipulation

  • jQuery

  • Bash Command Line

  • Git, GitHub and Version Control

  • Backend Web Development

  • Node.js

  • NPM

  • Express.js

  • EJS

  • REST

  • APIs

  • Databases

  • SQL

  • MongoDB

  • Mongoose

  • Authentication

  • Firebase

  • React.js or Angular

  • React Hooks

  • Web Design

  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas

Front-End & Back-End

180 Days Offline Learning & Training (One to One Interaction) 

Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer:

  • 180 Days Offline Class
  • Complete Training On Local Host/ Live Server
  • 400Hrs Duration
  • Front-End Web Development

  • HTML 5

  • CSS 3

  • Flexbox

  • Grid

  • Bootstrap 5

  • Javascript ES6

  • jQuery

  • Bash Command Line

  • Git, GitHub and Version Control

  • Backend Web Development

  • Node.js

  • NPM

  • Express.js

  • EJS

  • REST

  • APIs

  • Databases

  • SQL

  • MongoDB

  • Authentication

  • Firebase

  • React.js or Angular

  • Web Design

  • Deployment with GitHub Pages, Heroku and MongoDB Atlas

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    In this course you will learn!


    HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language used to create web pages and applications. HTML uses a series of tags and attributes to define the structure and content of a web page.


    CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It's a coding language used to style and layout web pages. CSS allows developers to control the visual appearance of a web page by specifying the color, font, size, and position of elements.


    JavaScript is a high-level programming language used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It's a client-side language that runs in the web browser, allowing developers to add interactivity to a web page without reloading it.


    Bootstrap is a popular open-source front-end web development framework used to build responsive and mobile-first web pages and applications. It's based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and provides a set of pre-built components, templates, and utilities that make it easier to create modern and consistent web designs.

    MySQL Database

    MySQL is a widely used open-source relational database management system that stores and manages structured data. It's known for its reliability, performance, and versatility, and is commonly used in web applications to store user and application data. MySQL uses SQL and provides features for transactions, indexing, security, and scalability.


    MongoDB is a flexible and scalable NoSQL document-oriented database that's widely used by developers to store and manage unstructured data in a JSON-like format. It's popular for its ease of use and powerful querying capabilities, making it a reliable and efficient database solution for modern web applications.


    Node.js is an open-source server-side JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable and efficient web applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model and provides access to a vast library of modules and packages through NPM. It simplifies the development process and improves code reuse by allowing developers to use JavaScript on both the front-end and back-end of a web application.


    Express.js is a popular open-source web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building web applications and APIs. It provides a set of features for handling HTTP requests, routing, middleware, and much more, making it easy for developers to build scalable and efficient web applications. Express.js is highly customizable and allows developers to add functionality through its middleware architecture, which provides a way to extend its core features with third-party modules. It's widely used in conjunction with other Node.js libraries and frameworks to build complex web applications.

    Git Version Control

    Git is a widely used open-source distributed version control system for managing source code changes. It's designed to track changes made to files and directories over time and to collaborate with other developers.


    React.js is a JavaScript library used for building reusable UI components in web applications. It simplifies complex UI development by breaking it down into smaller components and supports server-side rendering for improved performance and SEO. Developed by Facebook, it's widely used in modern web development.


    Angular is an open-source web application framework used for building dynamic single-page applications with HTML, CSS, and TypeScript. Developed by Google, it provides a set of features for building robust client-side applications and is widely used in enterprise-level web development.

    Bash Command Line

    Bash is a command-line interface shell used in Linux and Unix systems for navigating the file system, running scripts, and automating tasks. It's highly customizable and widely used by developers and system administrators.


    Firebase is a Google-developed platform for building and hosting web applications, offering services like authentication, database, hosting, and more. It simplifies development and is known for its scalability.


    We'll purchase a domain from domain service providers and we'll connect it with web hosting

    Web Hosting

    We'll purchase a webhosting from webhosting service providers and we'll connect it with our domain by using nameservers

    Website / Web Application

    We'll Develop complete web application at the end of course

    It's For All

    This program is designed for all beginers who is under graduate, graduates and just want to make website without code


    You'll get certificate from T Software after completion of program and you get some project for upgrade your skills


    INR 56,000

    INR 79,000

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